特点 Characters ·高速型半自动钉箱机车速可达每分钟500钉。 ·载纸台自动上升维持人员给纸高度,纸台送完后自动下降。 ·电控系统经由PLC可程式控制器,控制系统稳定检修容易。 ·打钉方式有单钉、双钉及加强钉可供选择。 ·安装简易无需特殊的基础工事。 ·一分钟快速尺寸转换。 ·送纸部自动计数,成束送出捆绑。 ·High-speed type semi-automatic nail box of the locomotive speed can reach 500 per minute. ·Automatic rising feed table keeps personnel to the height of paper, paper after the machine to send automatically. ·Electronic control system by PLC programmable controller, the control system stability maintenance easy. ·Nailing method with single screw, twin screw and strengthen nails are available. ·Simple installation without special foundation. ·One minute quick order conversion. ·Paper automatic counting and bundled into a bunch of sent. 商品参数